Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify Speech

Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam's Will Soon Rectify Speech

In the expansive universe of Gun Wing, certain moments stand out as defining pieces of the narrative. One such moment is Relena Peacecraft’s “The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify” speech. This declaration cements Relena as a key figure and marks a critical turning point, reflecting the complex interplay of peace, war, and justice. This article delves into the speech’s context, significance, and lasting impact on the Gundam Wing narrative.

Relena Peacecraft: The Pacifist Leader

Relena Peacecraft is one of the central characters in Gun Wing, representing the ideals of peace and non-violence in a world ravaged by war. Born into the pacifist Peacecraft family but raised as Relena Darlian, her character arc is defined by her transition from an ordinary schoolgirl to the ruler of the Sanc Kingdom, where she becomes a prominent advocate for peace.Her journey is defined by unwavering commitment to her ideals, despite facing the harsh realities of a conflict-driven world.

Context of the Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify Speech

A World in Turmoil

The speech occurs at a pivotal moment in Gun Wing. The Earth Sphere Unified Nation and the space colonies are locked in a bitter struggle for dominance, with the Gundams serving as the primary instruments of war. These powerful mobile suits, piloted by young rebels, have become symbols of both destruction and hope, depending on which side one aligns with. Amidst this backdrop of chaos and warfare, Relena delivers her speech, emphasizing the potential for the Gundams to act as agents of rectification rather than mere tools of violence.

Relena’s Role in the Conflict

By this speech, she fully embraces her Peacecraft identity and strives to resolve disputes through dialogue, not warfare. Her speech serves as a powerful statement of her beliefs and her vision for the future.Relena’s leadership is defined by her deep understanding of the political landscape and her ability to influence it through her words.

Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify Speech

Themes and Messages

Relena’s speech is rich with themes of justice, responsibility, and the hope for a peaceful future. When she declares, “The Gundam’s will soon rectify,” she is acknowledging the dual nature of these formidable machines.Although the Gundams can cause immense destruction, Relena sees their potential for rectifying past wrongs. This statement reflects her belief that true justice involves not just punishment but also the correction of injustices and the creation of a more equitable world.

Impact on the Narrative

The speech is a turning point in Gun Wing, influencing both the characters and the direction of the story. For the Gundam pilots, Relena’s words serve as a reminder of the higher purpose of their mission. They are not merely soldiers; they are fighting for a cause that goes beyond the immediate battles they face. The speech galvanizes other characters, inspiring them with Relena’s vision of a just and peaceful world.

On a broader level, the speech marks a shift in the series from a focus on individual battles to a more nuanced exploration of the consequences of war and the possibilities for peace. It challenges characters and the audience to reflect on the moral implications of their actions and the true meaning of justice.

The Symbolism of the Gundams

Instruments of War or Agents of Change?

The Gundams in Gundam Wing are complex symbols.Initially, they serve as tools of war, designed to bring destruction and defeat the colonies’ enemies. However, Relena’s speech recontextualizes the Gundams as potential agents of change. By stating, “The Gundams will soon rectify,” Relena suggests these powerful machines can correct injustices rather than perpetuate violence.

This idea is central to the series’ exploration of the morality of war. It actively questions the responsibilities of power and how to redirect destructive forces toward constructive purposes.

Relena’s Vision of Justice

Relena’s speech is not just about the Gundams; it’s about her vision of justice. She believes in a form of justice that is restorative rather than retributive. This is a justice that seeks to heal the wounds of the past and create a foundation for lasting peace. Her vision contrasts with the series’ typical portrayal of justice, which often centers on vengeance and enemy eradication.

The Aftermath of the Speech

Reactions from Other Characters

Relena’s speech has a profound impact on the other characters in Gundam Wing. Some see her as naïve, believing that her ideals are unattainable in a world entrenched in violence. Others are inspired by her courage and her unwavering commitment to peace. The speech prompts the Gundam pilots to introspect, reconsidering their roles and the true purpose of their fight.

Shaping the Series’ Conclusion

The themes introduced in Relena’s speech resonate throughout the remainder of the series.As the narrative progresses, rectification becomes central, influencing characters’ decisions and the conflict’s resolution. The speech shifts the series’ focus from war’s spectacle to the possibility of peace, leading to a more thoughtful conclusion.

Legacy of the Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify Speech

Cultural Impact

Relena Peacecraft’s speech is a memorable moment in Gundam Wing with a lasting impact on its fans. It captures the themes that make Gundam Wing more than a mecha anime—exploring war’s moral complexities and redemption. The speech continues to be a point of discussion and analysis among fans, reflecting its enduring significance.

Relena Peacecraft’s Enduring Influence

Relena’s influence extends beyond the speech itself. Throughout the series, she remains a symbol of hope and the possibility of a better future. Her commitment to peace, despite overwhelming odds, inspires both the characters and the audience. The speech defines her legacy and cements her as a key character in the Gundam franchise.


Relena Peacecraft’s “The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify” speech stands as a defining moment in Gun Wing, encapsulating the series’ exploration of war, peace, and the moral responsibilities that come with power. It is a speech that not only influences the characters within the story but also resonates with audiences, offering a profound message about the potential for redemption and the pursuit of a just world. As one of Gundam Wing’s most memorable scenes, it remains a point of reflection and discussion among fans, highlighting Relena Peacecraft’s enduring impact and ideals.


What is the significance of Relena Peacecraft’s “The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify” speech?

Relena’s speech marks a pivotal moment in Gundam Wing, emphasizing the potential for the Gundams to be used as instruments of justice rather than mere tools of war. It reflects her vision of a world where peace is achieved through rectification and healing rather than continued conflict.

Why does Relena believe the Gundams will “rectify” the world?

Relena believes that the Gundams, despite being weapons of war, can be repurposed to correct the injustices that have led to the current state of conflict. Her vision of rectification is about using power responsibly to create a more just and peaceful world.

How does Relena’s speech impact the characters in Gundam Wing?

The speech serves as a turning point for many characters, particularly the Gundam pilots. It challenges them to reconsider their roles and the true purpose of their mission, shifting the focus from destruction to the possibility of building a better future.

What themes are explored in Relena’s “The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify” speech?

The speech explores themes of justice, responsibility, and the potential for redemption. It emphasizes the idea that true justice involves not just punishment, but also the correction of past wrongs and the pursuit of peace.

How does Relena’s speech influence the outcome of the series?

Relena’s speech helps to steer the narrative toward a conclusion that focuses on the possibility of peace and the moral complexities of achieving it. It shifts the series’ focus from the spectacle of war to the deeper questions of justice and reconciliation.